Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Candidates

As the presidential election comes close and closer I have come to the following conclusions.


This man does not have a single idea of his own. If you look at his recent statements and what he is planning for the future we are in serious trouble. He is accepting his party's nomination in another venue so that he can accommodate 70,000 people - This was done by JFK.

He wanted to make a political speech in Germany - done by Ronald Regan - but was denied by the German Government.

He wants to enact Jimmy Carters failed economic plans - we need something better.

At first he said that he would meet with any world leader with out preconditions and now he will meet with them but he will require conditions.

His 8 country political trip was his first time in a long time but how much information did he really gather?

He said that he can have our troops out of Iraq in 2 years but that we will still need forces in Iraq but he did not mention how many. What is it - Will we have our troops out in 2 years or are we leaving troops in Iraq?

The press coverage said that the PM of Iraq agreed with Obama but if you read the articles that ask the PM he did not say that and that he said that we need an orderly troop removal as conditions stabilize.

As much as I hated this war from the start and that I thought Bush did this for revenge I would rather leave the troops there for a little longer than have to go back in and face something worse.


If he becomes the President of the USA will he enact the policies that were enacted by the Chicago City Council to form a national witch hunt for companies that owned slaves in the early days of the USA as one of his backers did in the Chicago City Council (Alderman Dorothy Tillman I believe).

Now lets look at John McCain

The only things I know about John McCain is that he was a POW, he is old and does not really use computers.

Personally I think we need to reform the election process - We need to eliminate the first round of elections and have one major election where everyone who wants to be the President of the USA has their name on a ballot and the winner of that election is the President.

I have heard that it would be very expensive to do this but if you let the major networks bid for who could host the coverage and get unlimited access to the candidates - kind of like the NFL and MLB do - then it would allow this type of election process to go forth. We would have a much broader group of candidates to choose from and you might have a much larger turnout for these elections.

I trust Obama less than I trust Bush because his slogan 'Change America Can Count On' does not fly with what he is doing on a daily basis. I believe that if he gets in office we will all be in trouble.


Kerry said...

So fun to read about your thoughts on the coming election. We certainly are limited. In this wonderful land of amazing talent and wisdom one would think that we would be looking at better candidates. I too think reform is overdue.

Celeste Christensen said...

Wow Walt! Nice to read your views. I really do agree with you. I wish McCain would have picked Romney for VP. But what can one do? As much as I have try to stay educated on this I feel that I almost have to come to a coin toss. Heads or tails. Isn't that just horrible?