Monday, August 11, 2008

Swimming at the Party

Di, the boys and I went to a wonderful birthday party on Saturday night for a friend from church. While I always hope the boys will behave themselves while we are out it is always a shot in the dark to see if they will actually behave.

This day was no exception - Eoin was, in my opinion, very well behaved but Liam had him moments. He wanted to do his own thing - which is fine - but when he disappeared from the back yard without me noticing I was worried about him - man is he fast...

I sent Eoin to the front yard to find him while I went into the house to make sure he was not there. When I went out front Liam as no where to be found but someone said that he was in the van with Di. She came out of the van but Liam was not with her - As Di was walking back up to the house she saw someone in a car on the driveway. Lo and behold there was our youngest child in someone Else's car - next thing to buy is a GPS system for the child so I can find him faster.

Earlier in the evening I was in the swimming pool with the boys - Eoin does pretty well with the arm floaties on and Liam does well if you hold him. Liam was holding on my neck while I swam in the deep end of the pool. While there Eoin saw the diving board and wanted to jump off of it - While I tried to prepare for him to jump in the water I had to get Liam out of the pool so I sent him to Di. I positioned myself at the end of the diving board and told Eoin to jump - he was hesitant but I convinced him that it would be ok. I hoped that when he jumped in he would not land on top of me and make me go under water epically since I could not touch the bottom. He did very well and was able to get to the side by himself.

He came back for another round and who do I see behind him - you guessed it Liam! He figured if Eoin could do it then he was going to do it. Now I had to be there for Eoin first then get him to the side and then go back and grab Liam as he jumped into the water. You should have seen his face when he jumped in - he absolutely loved it. I helped him to the edge of the pool and went back for Eoin - after a while Eoin gained more confidence, and so dId I, and by the end of the night he was jumping in the pool and swimming to the side all by himself. Liam was also doing pretty well - after he jumped off the diving board I would turn him away from be and barley hold him up in the water by placing my hand under his bottom and he would make it to the shore but sometimes he would say "help".

This was definitely one of the best surprise birthday parties I have ever been to - and I know the boys have a very wonderful time. To Steve Madura - happy birthday and many more and to his wife Kerri - thanks for inviting us to the party.

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